Payment options Park Welgelegen

After booking, check carefully whether your details (name, address, telephone number, etc.), the accommodation or type of camping pitch, additional options and your holiday period have been filled in correctly. Is there something wrong with your booking? Please contact the reception first.
Is everything filled in correctly? After booking via the website, you can pay immediately.

If you book by telephone or e-mail, you will receive a booking confirmation by e-mail with a link to pay.


Payment options

You can pay safely online with us via iDEAL, Bancontact, Paypal, Belfius Direct Net, via a bank transfer or with a Voucher issued by Park Welgelegen.


In your booking confirmation, which you receive from us by e-mail, there is a link at the bottom. When you click on this link, you will enter your personal guest environment and you will see the various payment options.

Bank transfer

Please note that a bank transfer takes a few days to process.

When you click on the green house via the link, you will receive the bank account number and a unique payment reference. Please note that this payment reference is only valid for a short period and for one-time use.


Have you received a voucher from us?
The voucher contains a validity period and a code. When booking online, you can enter this code to pay.
Are you still having trouble? Please don't hesitate to contact the reception.

When booking by telephone or by e-mail, you can give us the code and we will process it for you.


When to pay

Pay on time, if you book more than 5 weeks before your arrival, we ask you to pay 50% of the total travel sum (including deposit) within 14 days of booking. The remaining amount must be paid no later than 3 weeks before your arrival.

For reservations less than 5 weeks before arrival, we ask you to pay the total amount (including deposit) immediately after reservation.

If you don't pay on time, Park Welgelegen has the right to cancel your reservation.

When your payment has been processed in our system, you will receive an automatic e-mail.